Young Frankenstein

Ridiculous, silly, way over the top, with humour and jokes that are so awful that you groan out loud; but packed full of talent, fun and people who look like they are enjoying themselves.

I honestly didn’t think that they made shows like this anymore other than pantomimes at Christmas! So over the top is it though that I feel that it needs a bigger theatre to dilute some of it because there were times that it was verging on painful to watch.

Hadley Fraser is incredibly talented and his voice is wonderful. Unfortunately, this show only allows you glimpses of how wonderful his voice is. Summer Strallen is again incredibly talented, but again the show only allows glimpses of it, although her first number possibly showcases her more than Fraser’s numbers do for him. Cory English is fabulous as Igor, and you can tell that he is having a lot of fun, and although Lesley Jospeh wasn’t in the performance that I saw, her understudy, Kelly Ewins-Prouse, was great and I wouldn’t have known that she was the understudy.

However, other than the Monster and Elizabeth, played by Nic Greenshields and Dianne Pilkington respectively, this show doesn’t really have any character development or story exposition and explanation. This is, perhaps, a bi-product of this being, as far as I can tell, a direct musical of the film, which could also explain why this show’s running time is 2h15 including the interval. I don’t think that the show needs exposition or explanation for the audience to follow it, but it does mean that the show and characters feel very two-dimensional and, at times, rather flat. Therefore, although this show is fun and enjoyable, I can also tell why it is closing in August.